Even After Death - Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001


In the past, Ethan and Olivia would intertwine their fingers whenever they were in the heat of the moment.

A person could change his face with a mask, face a change in the aura, and fake the glint in his gaze through practice.

However, they could never change the size of their hands.

How could Ethan forget about the feeling of holding Olivia’s hand when he had held it so many times?

Her hand fit in his so perfectly.

Unlike the smooth skin before this, her hands grew calluses. She had it rough for the past few years.

She suddenly shook his hand off.

Guilt tinged his expression. “Sorry for crossing the line. I was thinking about my ex-wife.”

She stared at his face, realizing that there was no huge change in his expression. Even his eyes lost their sparks.

She reckoned that it was simply her being paranoid. “It’s alright.”

“What’s happening to me?”

“It could be a side effect because of the heavy medicine dosage. I’ll reduce the dosage from today onward and make new medicines.

“You should visit the spring at the back of the mountain often. It’s good for your health. I’ll make something nourishing for you before checking your pulse later.”

“Thank you.” Ethan shut his eyes in bed, appearing evidently weak.

Olivia hurriedly went out of the room to catch a chicken from the coop and pick some mushrooms and ingredients for the medicine.

After cleaning the chicken, she stewed it alongside other ingredients to make a pot of porridge.

Ethan needed something nourishing, but the meal shouldn’t be too heavy. Thus, she had to control the amount of ingredients she added.

On the other hand, Ethan requested Brent’s presence after she left the room.

“Mr. Miller, did you ask for me? It’s not time to take medicine yet, though.”

Ethan nodded. “Close the door. Make sure there’s no one around before coming into the room.”


Brent was more reliable than Kelvin. After doing as Ethan told him, he came to Ethan and lowered his voice.

“Done. Is there something I have to do, Mr. Miller?”

Ethan said in an undertone next to Brent’s ear, “I wanna know exactly how old Willow is. Ask the people around.”

“Why are you suddenly asking about her?”

“Just do as I say. Do it secretly. No one must find out about this.”

Ethan didn’t explain much about it.

“Yes, sir.” Despite finding it strange, Kelvin accepted the orders without complaints.

After all, Ethan’s orders were everything.

Ethan didn’t feed Brent the reason behind it because Olivia was smart. If Brent were to investigate Olivia, it might alarm her.

Thus, it was their best option to act naturally.

Ethan lay in bed, thinking how good it would be if the doctor were really Olivia.

Realizing that she had been following up on news about him, he thought, “She doesn’t want to give up saving me. Does that mean she still cares for me dearly?”

Besides, they had another child! It was no wonder he felt the attachment toward Willow.

It was possible that she had recognized him, which explained why she was willing to donate her blood to him.

“Silly kid. I really want to see her. What a shame,” he said to himself in his head.

His good mood helped him recover faster. Ethan was even willing to take the medicine.

Olivia brought the porridge over. “You have to take some even if your stomach doesn’t feel well. Take it slow. It’s porridge.”

He nodded, giving his full cooperation. “Okay.”

“This is a bowl. Be careful.”

“Thank you.” He reached out to take the bowl.

There was a spoon in the bowl because she figured that he could feed himself with it.

As soon as she thought about that, the bowl fell onto the floor.

She raised her head to see his innocent face.

“Sorry.” He got out of bed to clean up the mess, and the fragment cut his finger.

She quickly grabbed his hand. “Don’t move. Let me do it.”

